Flavored Sweet Butter with Javamelts Flavored Sugar

Flavored Sweet Butter with Javamelts Flavored Sugar

Oct 20, 2021Carolyn Barbarite

The holidays are a great time to add a little something extra special with our Flavored Sweet Butter recipe.  


1 stick of butter - salted or unsalted

Choice of Javamelts Flavored Sugar to taste


Soften butter

Whip until fluffy - approximately 30 seconds on medium/high

Beat in Javamelts of choice for another 30 seconds.  You can add as much or as little as you which.  It's according to your taste!

Wrap into a log or place in a dish so it remains shaped like the picture shown and refrigerate or freeze until firm.  Enjoy on just about anything!  (one of our customers uses this butter on their morning toast every single day with a delicious cup of coffee).

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