Flan made with Javamelts Caramel Flavored Sugar

Flan made with Javamelts Caramel Flavored Sugar

Mar 04, 2021Carolyn Barbarite

You'll love this flan for sure.  One of our Javamelts customers shared her recipe with us and you're going to love it!



  • 12 Eggs
  • 24 oz. Evaporated Milk 2 Cans
  • 28 oz. Sweetened Condensed Milk 2 Cans
  • 3 Tbs. Vanilla
  • 2 - 1/2 Cups Javamelts Flavored Sugar


  1. Crack eggs in a large bowl, removing the white chalaze attached to the yoke.
  2. Add two cans of evaporated milk and two cans of sweetened condensed milk.
  3. Begin mixing with a hand mixer or whisk.
  4. Add three tablespoons of vanilla.
  5. Heat oven to 350˚ Fahrenheit.
  6. Fill a pan, larger than the pan you'll bake the flan in, about halfway with water and place in the oven while it preheats.
  7. On the stove, begin to melt the Javamelts Flavored Sugar.
  8. Once the Javamelts Flavored Sugar is browned, pour into the pan that you'll use for the Flan.
  9. Then, pour flan mixture on top of the cooked Javamelts Flavored Sugar.
  10. Bake in the center of the water-filled pan, making sure the water reaches halfway up the sides of the flan.
  11. Test with a toothpick or see if the center jiggles when moved. If the toothpick comes out dry or if the Flan doesn't move when you shake it, then it's ready to remove from the oven. Approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.
  12. Let the flan cool completely.
  13. Run a knife around all the edges of the Flan.
  14. Place a large plate over the top of the pan and flip over.

Recipe Notes

Use a large enough bundt pan to accommodate the amount of liquid in the recipe. For easy clean-up and to remove the sugar from the bottom of the pan, heat on the stove or let sit in hot water until the sugar melts.

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