JAVAMELTS at TASTE NY Long Island Welcome Center
Mar 02, 2020Carolyn Barbarite
This past Saturday I was asked to sample JAVAMELTS at the TASTE NY Long Island Welcome Center. It was an absolute pleasure meeting everyone who came in and wanted to learn more about JAVAMELTS and became a part of our amazing list of valued customers. Pictured along side of me is Jennifer Steiner Pool, the owner of Steiner's Coffee Cake of New York. JAVAMELTS is vegan and gluten free so they were the perfect partner for the day. They offer gluten free baked goods wholesale and retail. I am grateful and blessed to have incredible opportunities like this to share my journey with the New York community. If you happen to be traveling to Long Island, please be sure to stop at the Welcome Center and check out the store. TASTE NY offers products only made in New York and supports family owned and operated businesses like JAVAMELTS and others.
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